

In order for any co-op to function, its members must assume certain responsibilities. Of course, there will be some variation in the manner and extent of each member’s contribution, allowing for individual skills, lifestyles, and available time. The success of our co-op depends on it's members!

A co-op often creates committees as needed, and these committees may be standing or ad-hoc. The committees help the co-op as a whole by members contributing their individual skills and backgrounds for the welfare of the co-op and their neighbours.

Joining a committee also provides a unique, and enjoyable, opportunity to meet your fellow members to discuss the issues and to work together for a common goal.

At Tecumseh, as with co-ops in general, joining a Committee is not obligatory. However, we encourage existing and new members to join in for the benefit of all and to be an active member of our community. As a member you may choose to be an active member on any of our committees or to run for a position on the Board of Directors.

Currently Tecumseh has a number of standing or ad-hoc committees. These are:

Landscape Committee:
This committee is responsible for all the external common areas in the co-op. They organize the Spring and Fall clean-ups and the gardening contest.

Finance Committee:
This committee is responsible for the Co-ops annual budget and expenditures. The Committee analyzes expenses and income in an effort to control costs and keep housing charges as low as possible while protecting the long-term well being of the co-op.

Membership Committee:
This committee is responsible for the interviewing of potential members, member orientation nights and ensuring new members are welcomed into the community. The committee responds with fairness and sensitivity to the needs of the applications, the members and the co-op.

Pet Committee:
This committee is responsible for issues regarding pets in and around our co-op.

Maintenance Committee:
This committee is responsible for some of the work orders and maintenance issues in the co-op.

Social Committee:
This committee is responsible for all the social events in the co-op.

Seniors Committee:
This committee is responsible for information, activites and events that are relevant to our senior members.

Kid's Christmas Committee:
This committee is responsible for organizing the children's annual Christmas party.

Inspection Committee:
This committee is responsible for the inspection of the Co-op as required.

Delivering Office Notices:
The office always needs help delivering notices..!

© Tecumseh Co-operative Homes inc.
website by Tim Isherwood  link